Sudan Voice from the World campaign launched in Ethiopian capital

Sudanese and international singers will take part in the Sudan Voice from the World campaign

Sudan Media Forum Joint Editorial Room

Compiled by Abdallah Bereir for El Taghyeer newspaper

Sudanese artists last week launched the Sudan Voice from the World campaign to support those affected by the war in their country. Singers and musicians from Africa, Europe and the USA will join the initiative, supported by African Union, the Arab League, the United Nations, Ethiopia, the Samana Band in the USA, the Sudanese community in Addis Ababa, and activist artist El Wasig El Amin.

The campaign was launched from the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa by the well-known Sudanese artist El Wasig El Amin, currently residing in Ethiopia, with the support of the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Information.

The Sudan Voice from the World programme includes big tours in Africa, Europe and America.

The proceeds of the concerts will go to victims of the war in Sudan, while a percentage is allocated for the singers and musicians participating in the campaign.

This work is being done in collaboration with the African Union, the Arab League, the United Nations, the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Information, the Samana Band in the USA, the Sudanese community in Addis Ababa, and the activist artist El Wasig El Amin.

Not only Sudanese singers and musicians, but also international artists will participate in the campaign, in which a song similar to “We are the world” will be presented on various concert podia in the world.

Famous singers, including Abu Aragi El Bakheet, Sharhabil Ahmed, and Insaf Fathi from Sudan, and Mohamed Mounir and Ali El Zein from Egypt, Teddy Afro and Esther from Ethiopia, the Sudanese French artist Hind El Taher and the Sudanese American artists Atef Anis and Omar Banga will take part in the campaign.

The Sudanese American band Samana is part of the project. Members Ibrahim Sonata, Mirghani El Zein, Ahmed Bas, and Michael El Daw, are contacting American singers and musicians to join the campaign and sing the song especially composed for the campaign, which is sung in Arabic, English, and Amharic.


Sudanese poets Madani El Nakhli, Mahjoub El Khalifa, and Azhari El Hajj have written the lyrics of the song:

A message from children
A message from mothers
They fled their homes
Dangers everywhere
Missiles inside houses

The beautiful and beloved homeland
Welcoming each neighbour
Why should it burn?
People’s rights have gone,
The free conscience ..

Souls die of injustice
Children bear the brunt
Why conflict and death?
Why these seas of blood?
Why does your brother die?

You have to be human
When you see death
By bullets and machine guns

Children die of hunger
An old, sick woman
died within a week
Families are crying
As they are displaced
In the rain and at night
In the valleys, lost
If you are human,
You’ll extend your hand
To help Sudan

Oh, your ordeal ..

You stand alone
In your crisis
Steadfast but alone
A bullet gnaws at you
Your children die
Birds leave their nests
Your children are displaced
Your existence is threatened
Flowers wither in the fire
Houses are destroyed

And the world watches you
Death after death
This destruction is unlike you
Silence is not your habit
Stand up against the war
Rise for peace
Stand up against the struggle
And rise for peace

Evil besieges you
And worry follows you
Alone you stand

Amidst the tragedies
And the bleeding

Alone you stand

How can the world not stand with you?

This report is published on the platforms of the press institutions and media organisations that are members of the Sudan Media Forum.


