Zalingei camp residents refuse training by peacekeepers

Displaced persons in the camps around Zalingei rejected a proposal by the UNAMID peacekeepers to provide training to groups of displaced persons to serve as community police. The community police would supposedly protect and secure the camps. According to the coordinator of the Zalingei camps, the refusal had to do with a dispute over whether UNAMID itself should send troops for protection. The peacekeepers are stationed 500 meters from the camps, the coordinator told Radio Dabanga. 

Displaced persons in the camps around Zalingei rejected a proposal by the UNAMID peacekeepers to provide training to groups of displaced persons to serve as community police. The community police would supposedly protect and secure the camps. According to the coordinator of the Zalingei camps, the refusal had to do with a dispute over whether UNAMID itself should send troops for protection. The peacekeepers are stationed 500 meters from the camps, the coordinator told Radio Dabanga. 

