Hassan Al Turabi arrested

Popular Congress Party (PCP) party leader Hassan Al Turabi was arrested in his house by security agents on Saturday evening. His family and supporters told Radio Dabanga that security agents confiscated all copies of the party’s newspaper Ray Al Sha’ab. Abdallah Deng Nhial of the PCP said members of the PCP are waiting for an explanation of the arrest of the 78 year old party leader. Turabi’s arrest sparked a protest by his supporters on Sunday. 

Popular Congress Party (PCP) party leader Hassan Al Turabi was arrested in his house by security agents on Saturday evening. His family and supporters told Radio Dabanga that security agents confiscated all copies of the party’s newspaper Ray Al Sha’ab. Abdallah Deng Nhial of the PCP said members of the PCP are waiting for an explanation of the arrest of the 78 year old party leader. Turabi’s arrest sparked a protest by his supporters on Sunday.  He added this shows that Sudan is not working towards democratic transition and he held the government responsible for any deterioration of his health. Turabi was close to Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al- Bashir before a power struggle and split in the ruling party that occurred in 1999-2000. A security source told Reuters that Turabi had possibly been arrested because of his alleged links to the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). This group has clashed with government forces over the past week. Turabi denies any link between him and the movement. 

Find more pictures of the arrest at the dossier “Arrest of Turabi“.

