Liberation and Justice rebels want vice presidency in peace deal

The Liberation Movement and Justice presented its vision for the apportionment of power in Darfur and nationally. This comes amid negotiations at Doha on power-sharing, one of several dossiers slated for discussion. The rebel coalition demands the position of vice president of the republic and the re-unification of Darfur into one administrative region. They also want to see natives of the province hold some power at all levels, in accordance with population density. They further want proportional representation for Darfuris in the civil service, at all four levels of government.  Ismail Omer, a lawyer and LJM’s negotiator on the power-sharing dossier, told Radio Dabanga on Friday that the group will discuss this proposal with the mediation team, and consider the vision of the Sudanese government on this issue.

The Liberation Movement and Justice presented its vision for the apportionment of power in Darfur and nationally. This comes amid negotiations at Doha on power-sharing, one of several dossiers slated for discussion. The rebel coalition demands the position of vice president of the republic and the re-unification of Darfur into one administrative region. They also want to see natives of the province hold some power at all levels, in accordance with population density. They further want proportional representation for Darfuris in the civil service, at all four levels of government.  Ismail Omer, a lawyer and LJM’s negotiator on the power-sharing dossier, told Radio Dabanga on Friday that the group will discuss this proposal with the mediation team, and consider the vision of the Sudanese government on this issue.Sudan currently has two vice presidents. The First Vice President represents the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, of South Sudan, while the Second Vice President is a member of the northern ruling party.

