White House ‘condemns’ attacks on civilians in Khor Abeche

The following statement was issued at the White House website by Mike Hammer, spokesman of the National Security Council, which is the highest advisory body to the US President on foreign policy matters, and the principal coordinating body between the president and all agencies and departments involved in foreign affairs:

The following statement was issued at the White House website by Mike Hammer, spokesman of the National Security Council, which is the highest advisory body to the US President on foreign policy matters, and the principal coordinating body between the president and all agencies and departments involved in foreign affairs:

The United States is deeply concerned about reports that the Sudanese Armed Forces attacked and burnt the village of Khor Abeche in South Darfur.  According to the United Nations, the attacks left many injured, some dead, and thousands displaced.  The United States condemns this attack on civilians.

This attack comes at a time that we are also seeing increased evidence of support to militant proxies from the Governments of Sudan and Southern Sudan.  All Sudanese leaders have a responsibility to protect civilian populations – to do otherwise is unacceptable.  As the January 9, 2011 referendum on the status of Southern Sudan approaches and Sudanese leaders engage in discussions about their future relationship with the international community, the Governments of Sudan and Southern Sudan must accept this fundamental responsibility.”

The attacks were carried out by the Sudan Armed Forces, the UN-African Union Mission in Sudan reported. There was fighting in the village on 10, 11 and 17 December 2010, as well as at other villages.

