Security and justice top list of IDP demands to Gration

Displaced people in camps Tawila and Korma in North Darfur in a meeting with the US top diplomat Scott Gration pleaded for UNAMID’s mandate to be changed to allow them to protect the peace or impose peace and to disarmament the Janjaweed. The refugees named Janjaweed militias as the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Displaced people in camps Tawila and Korma in North Darfur in a meeting with the US top diplomat Scott Gration pleaded for UNAMID’s mandate to be changed to allow them to protect the peace or impose peace and to disarmament the Janjaweed. The refugees named Janjaweed militias as the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.Omdas and sheikhs of the camps, along with representatives of women and youth, met with US Special Envoy Scott Gration, who was accompanied by the US official on the Darfur issue, Dane Smith. The meeting was at the UNAMID base in Tawila yesterday.

The refugee participants demanded an end to daily violations carried out by the government forces and their militias. They named these violations as rape, murder, assassinations, destruction of livelihoods, destruction of farms and water sources, looting and plunder of property. Radio Dabanga aired an interview with a representative of the displaced who had participated in the meeting with Gration and Smith in Tawila.

In the humanitarian sphere, the displaced requested the return of the foreign organizations that the government expelled in March 2009. They believe this would improve the humanitarian situation, as well as the the health and education services for the displaced. They requested more protection of resources and livelihoods of the displaced. They also want increased food rations and the provision of medicine. Finally, they requested books and materials for teachers.

