Sudanese activists in US stage protest

Protesters gather outside UN headquarters to demand a no-fly zone in sensitive areasCivil societies belonging to marginalized Sudanese groups living in the US called for regime change in their country on Friday.

Protesters gather outside UN headquarters to demand a no-fly zone in sensitive areas

Civil societies belonging to marginalized Sudanese groups living in the US called for regime change in their country on Friday.Members of the Sudanese civil organizations and activists belonging to marginalized groups gathered to rally in front of the the UN headquarters in New York during the general assembly.

The protesters demanded that the UN impose a no-fly zone in Blue Nile, South Kordofan, Darfur and Abyei regions to protect the civilians. They also demanded an end to all attacks on civilians, which is a clear violation of the international law.

Another demand put forth by the activists was the deployment of a peacekeeping force in the war zones of the country. They also called for a memorandum of disarmament of the popular defense forces and government militia in the sensitive regions.

“The activities of the National Congress Party’s troops must be monitored,”the American activist Mohamed Yahya told Radio Dabanga.

EU denounces armed forces

The European Parliament on Thursday strongly denounced the Sudanese army’s invasion of South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The parliament accused them of unjustified killings and said in a resolution approved in Strasbourg that the attacks on civilians in South Kordofan amounts to illegal mass killing which targets a particular population for supporting members of the opposition movement.

“Despite the ceasefire declared by Sudanese forces, there has been indiscriminate bombing in civilian areas of Nuba Mountains. There has also been a blockade of international humanitarian organizations in the area,” the parliament said in a statement.

