LJM demands release of Darfuri detainees

Says those who have been imprisoned with regard to the crisis will be released soonThe Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) said on Monday that it had raised the issue of release of Darfuri prisoners during talks with the government in Khartoum.

Says those who have been imprisoned with regard to the crisis will be released soon

The Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) said on Monday that it had raised the issue of release of Darfuri prisoners during talks with the government in Khartoum.Ahmed Fadel, spokesperson of the LJM, told Radio Dabanga that the movement is now in the process of forming a joint committee with members from the government as well as the LJM to consider the statements of the prisoners and detainees with regard to the Darfur conflict.

Ahmed Fadel assured that the detainees and prisoners would soon be released.

Activists in El Fasher had appealed two days ago for the release of all Darfuri prisoners and convicts under trial. 11 members of the LJM, including a minor, in Shalla prison in El Fasher have been sentenced to death an activist had told Radio Dabanga.

