Gambari expresses frustration

Says there’s not much the UNAMID and the international community can do in the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement involving all partiesIbrahim Gambari, head of the United Nations African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), said that the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the international community were frustrated over the position of certain opposition movements.

Says there’s not much the UNAMID and the international community can do in the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement involving all parties

Ibrahim Gambari, head of the United Nations African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), said that the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the international community were frustrated over the position of certain opposition movements.Gambari expressed frustration, in an interview published in Al Sahafa newspaper on Monday, over the Abdul Wahid faction of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) rejecting all political initiatives to resolve the crisis in Darfur.

Gambari predicted in an interview that the UNSC would take some action against such groups. The joint special representative (JSR), Gambari also explained that it was impossible for the the mission to implement its powers in the absence of a ceasefire agreement by all parties involved in Darfur.

“We won’t be able to protect our troops in the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement. The government isn’t following up with the ones who are responsible for violence against the UNAMID peace keepers,” Gambari was quoted in the Khartoum daily.

Gambari added that the UNAMID troops had reported the arrival of weapons and armed groups into Darfur from neighbouring Libya after the fall of the Gadhafi regime.

“This will have negative effects on the work of the mission. There will be instability unless groups like the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and SLM-AW opt for a political choice instead of a military one in Darfur,” he was quoted as saying.

SLM-AW condemns remarks

The SLM-AW, however, condemned Gambari’s remarks and described him as being an ‘unfair and non-neutral’ participant. They further said that they would no longer deal with Gambari and demanded his replacement from the UN.

Nimr Abdel Rahman, spokesperson of the SLM-AW told Radio Dabanga that his movement is not against peace. “However, we want a just, sustainable and comprehensive solution to the crisis in terms of security, not short-term peace,” Abdel Rahman said.

He added that the group does not assume any responsibility for the failure of the fake peace agreements.

“We are in favor of peace that stands by the people of Darfur, guarantees their rights and holds war criminals accountable. We should replace the government of the National Congress Party (NCP) by an alternative transitional government,” Abdel Rahman stressed.

