Militants rape 3 displaced women in East Jebel Marra

Members of a pro-government militia raped three displaced females, among them two minors, in an area located between Umm Hashaba and Gulab in East Jebel Marra on Friday. Witnesses reported to Radio Dabanga that the three women were attacked after leaving Zam Zam camp on Friday morning to collect firewood. The attack took place at approximately 25 kilometers west of the camp, which is about 75 kilometers from Tabet, it was added.A group of pro-government militants approached the women, who are 27, 17 and 12 years of age, in three Land Cruiser vehicles, stopped them and raped them on the spot. Residents from Tabet and East Jebel Marra criticize the continuous violations and abuse of women and civilians in general by pro-government militias. Tawila’s commissioner is allegedly recruiting young men to join the militias, which residents describe as “dangerous”.Moreover, they condemn and reject any recruiting activity for tribal militias in Tawila and East Jebel Marra by the government and Tawila’s commissioner.File photo

Members of a pro-government militia raped three displaced females, among them two minors, in an area located between Umm Hashaba and Gulab in East Jebel Marra on Friday.

Witnesses reported to Radio Dabanga that the three women were attacked after leaving Zam Zam camp on Friday morning to collect firewood. The attack took place at approximately 25 kilometers west of the camp, which is about 75 kilometers from Tabet, it was added.

A group of pro-government militants approached the women, who are 27, 17 and 12 years of age, in three Land Cruiser vehicles, stopped them and raped them on the spot.

Residents from Tabet and East Jebel Marra criticize the continuous violations and abuse of women and civilians in general by pro-government militias. Tawila’s commissioner is allegedly recruiting young men to join the militias, which residents describe as “dangerous”.

Moreover, they condemn and reject any recruiting activity for tribal militias in Tawila and East Jebel Marra by the government and Tawila’s commissioner.

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