22nd Darfuri student arrested in Babanusa, West Kordofan

Security forces have reportedly arrested Mustafa Hasab El Rasul, student at the University of Peace in Babanusa, which brings the total number of Darfuri students arrested in Babanusa to 22. One of the students of the university told Radio Dabanga that on Sunday morning, security men arrested Mustafa Hasab El Rasul at the university and took him to an unknown destination. He confirmed that 21 Darfuri students have been arrested on Friday, of which 16 are women. No one has been released so far. The student further said that the security forces have filed an official complaint against the students, accusing them of sabotage and rioting. He added that exams have started since Friday, but that the Darfuri students of the university have not been allowed to enter. File photo: Earlier student protests (Albert González Farran/UN Photo) Related: Darfuri students injured, 20 arrested in Babanusa, Sudan (20 September 2013)

Security forces have reportedly arrested Mustafa Hasab El Rasul, student at the University of Peace in Babanusa, which brings the total number of Darfuri students arrested in Babanusa to 22.

One of the students of the university told Radio Dabanga that on Sunday morning, security men arrested Mustafa Hasab El Rasul at the university and took him to an unknown destination. He confirmed that 21 Darfuri students have been arrested on Friday, of which 16 are women. No one has been released so far.

The student further said that the security forces have filed an official complaint against the students, accusing them of sabotage and rioting. He added that exams have started since Friday, but that the Darfuri students of the university have not been allowed to enter.

File photo: Earlier student protests (Albert González Farran/UN Photo)


Darfuri students injured, 20 arrested in Babanusa, Sudan (20 September 2013)

