16,500 conflict-affected East Darfuris need aid

On 12 January, community leaders from Muhajeriya town and Abu Dangal village in Sheiria locality, East Darfur, told humanitarian organisations that an estimated 16,500 people affected by the armed conflict between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan Liberation Army, led by Minni Minawi (SLA-MM) in March and April 2013, are still in need of assistance. This includes 7,000 people in Muhajeriya and 9,500 in Abu Dangal village. The population of Muhajeriya are in need of food, health and education services. According to the town’s community leaders, the shortage of food is due to insecurity and a poor harvest resulting from pests and a lack of rain. Insecurity along the roads between Muhajeriya, Nyala, and Ed Daein also affected food supplies reaching the town. Between August and September 2013, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) provided some 10,000 people in Muhajeriya with food assistance. In the coming weeks WFP will conduct another food security assessment to review the needs of these people. The hospital in Muhajeriya town is unable to meet the needs because of a shortage of health personnel, essential drugs and appropriate medical facilities. The World Health Organisation is looking for a partner to cover the gap in health services. As for education, some 830 children in Muhajeria cannot attend school due to inadequate facilities. The community leaders of Abu Dangal village reported that about 9,500 people are in need of food, health, education, as well as water and sanitation services. As with Muhajeriya, the shortage of food is attributable to insecurity and poor harvests. There is no health centre in the village and the nearest hospital is 15km away in Sheiria town. There are also no latrines in the villages. People have to walk for about an hour to fetch water. Between April and May 2013, fighting between the SAF and the SLA-MM displaced an estimated 61,000 people from their homes in Muhajeriya and Labado in East Darfur. In the beginning, people sheltered near the Unamid team sites in Muhajeriya and Labado and were provided assistance by Unamid. Thereafter, humanitarian organisations reported that a number of them moved to El Neem camp near Ed Daein, the capital of East Darfur, while others had arrived in various camps for the displaced in North and South Darfur. The majority remain displaced. File photo

On 12 January, community leaders from Muhajeriya town and Abu Dangal village in Sheiria locality, East Darfur, told humanitarian organisations that an estimated 16,500 people affected by the armed conflict between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan Liberation Army, led by Minni Minawi (SLA-MM) in March and April 2013, are still in need of assistance. This includes 7,000 people in Muhajeriya and 9,500 in Abu Dangal village.

The population of Muhajeriya are in need of food, health and education services. According to the town’s community leaders, the shortage of food is due to insecurity and a poor harvest resulting from pests and a lack of rain. Insecurity along the roads between Muhajeriya, Nyala, and Ed Daein also affected food supplies reaching the town.

Between August and September 2013, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) provided some 10,000 people in Muhajeriya with food assistance. In the coming weeks WFP will conduct another food security assessment to review the needs of these people.

The hospital in Muhajeriya town is unable to meet the needs because of a shortage of health personnel, essential drugs and appropriate medical facilities. The World Health Organisation is looking for a partner to cover the gap in health services. As for education, some 830 children in Muhajeria cannot attend school due to inadequate facilities.

The community leaders of Abu Dangal village reported that about 9,500 people are in need of food, health, education, as well as water and sanitation services. As with Muhajeriya, the shortage of food is attributable to insecurity and poor harvests. There is no health centre in the village and the nearest hospital is 15km away in Sheiria town. There are also no latrines in the villages. People have to walk for about an hour to fetch water.

Between April and May 2013, fighting between the SAF and the SLA-MM displaced an estimated 61,000 people from their homes in Muhajeriya and Labado in East Darfur. In the beginning, people sheltered near the Unamid team sites in Muhajeriya and Labado and were provided assistance by Unamid. Thereafter, humanitarian organisations reported that a number of them moved to El Neem camp near Ed Daein, the capital of East Darfur, while others had arrived in various camps for the displaced in North and South Darfur. The majority remain displaced.

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