Atrocities against Kordofan civilians as Sudanese army strikes in force

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N) has confirmed that a force of government militias and elements of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) launched an attack on the villages of Tommy, El Mansour, Kilora, Tarawa, and Tindimin in Rashad locality in the Nuba Mountains area of South Kordofan on Tuesday. In a press statement, SPLA-N spokesman Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, said that the ground offensive involved more than 300 land cruisers and tanks, supported by air strikes. Lodi says that the attackers “committed atrocities and crimes against the civilians. Women, children and the elderly have been abducted and others killed, water sources destroyed including boreholes, animals and food looted.” He reports that civilians have taken refuge in the mountains and forests, and are “in desperate humanitarian need. They have lost everything, even shelter, and heavy rain is increasing their suffering.” Lodi dismisses statements by government sources claiming to have cleared SPLA forces from the Eastern Mountains. “The SPLA-N is still in control of the most of the area and continues to defend and protect civilians from ethnic cleansing by the genocidal regime and its agencies. SPLA-N is able to defeat them.” Satellite photographs have confirmed the deployment of more Sudanese troops and equipment to the Nuba Mountains in preparation for an offensive against the SPLA-N. Sudan’s Defence Minister, Abdelrahim Mohamed Husein, announced in parliament on Monday the start of a summer campaign in the Nuba Mountains. He stated that the war in Darfur has subsided, suggesting that more troops could be shifted into South Kordofan. As previously reported by Radio Dabanga, speaking through the pro-government Sudanese News Agency (Suna), the spokesman for the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Col. El Sawarmi Khaled Saad, announced that over the last two days, “the SAF has liberated 12 areas at the Eastern Mountains’ area in South Kordofan, and inflicted heavy losses in lives and ammunition of the outlaws”. These claims are dismissed as ‘lies’ by the SPLA-N. File photo: A column of Land Cruisers Refer: Sudanese army prepares for major offensive in Nuba Mountains (17 April 2014) ‘Entire generation may face extinction’ in Sudan’s South Kordofan: SPLM-N (16 April 2014)

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N) has confirmed that a force of government militias and elements of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) launched an attack on the villages of Tommy, El Mansour, Kilora, Tarawa, and Tindimin in Rashad locality in the Nuba Mountains area of South Kordofan on Tuesday.

In a press statement, SPLA-N spokesman Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, said that the ground offensive involved more than 300 land cruisers and tanks, supported by air strikes.

Lodi says that the attackers “committed atrocities and crimes against the civilians. Women, children and the elderly have been abducted and others killed, water sources destroyed including boreholes, animals and food looted.”

He reports that civilians have taken refuge in the mountains and forests, and are “in desperate humanitarian need. They have lost everything, even shelter, and heavy rain is increasing their suffering.”

Lodi dismisses statements by government sources claiming to have cleared SPLA forces from the Eastern Mountains. “The SPLA-N is still in control of the most of the area and continues to defend and protect civilians from ethnic cleansing by the genocidal regime and its agencies. SPLA-N is able to defeat them.”

Satellite photographs have confirmed the deployment of more Sudanese troops and equipment to the Nuba Mountains in preparation for an offensive against the SPLA-N.

Sudan’s Defence Minister, Abdelrahim Mohamed Husein, announced in parliament on Monday the start of a summer campaign in the Nuba Mountains. He stated that the war in Darfur has subsided, suggesting that more troops could be shifted into South Kordofan.

As previously reported by Radio Dabanga, speaking through the pro-government Sudanese News Agency (Suna), the spokesman for the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Col. El Sawarmi Khaled Saad, announced that over the last two days, “the SAF has liberated 12 areas at the Eastern Mountains’ area in South Kordofan, and inflicted heavy losses in lives and ammunition of the outlaws”.

These claims are dismissed as ‘lies’ by the SPLA-N.

File photo: A column of Land Cruisers


Sudanese army prepares for major offensive in Nuba Mountains (17 April 2014)

‘Entire generation may face extinction’ in Sudan’s South Kordofan: SPLM-N (16 April 2014)


