Sudanese hand memo to US Congress and 48 African leaders

Crowds of Sudanese demonstrated in front of the Sudanese Embassy and the White House on Tuesday on the occasion of the African-American Summit. They handed a letter to the heads of 48 African Nations, the White House and the US Congress regarding their stance toward the Government of President Al Bashir. The memorandum demanded the need to arrest President Al Bashir, take him to court, stop the genocide in the conflict areas, and allow delivery of humanitarian assistance to the displaced in the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur. The memorandum also urged the US Administration not to deal with the Sudanese Regime. A participant in the demonstration, Majid Kabashi, who is an activist on issues surrounding the Nuba Mountains and Sudan, told Radio Dabanga that the demonstration involved a number of activists, the Sudanese Association of Nuba Mountains in America, the Association of Darfuris, the opposition alliance, the people of the marginalised areas, and the friends of Sudan. Omar Abdel Sawi, an activist from Blue Nile on margin issues told Radio Dabanga that many members of the Sudanese community in the USA participated in the demonstration. In their memorandum, they demanded that the African leaders and the US administration stop the war, realise a comprehensive peace, and put an end to the violations by the Janjaweed militias. He added the main objective of the demonstration was to send a message to the participant African leaders and the US administration. Hawa Jongo, an activist in displaced and Darfur issues demanded from the African leaders and the US administration to act to stop abuses against women. She reported to Radio Dabanga that the memorandum held the African leaders and the US administration responsible for the abuses against the Sudanese, that Al Bashir be handed over to the ICC, aerial bombardment in the conflict zones must stop, and delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy must be allowed. File photo: The White House in Washington DC

Crowds of Sudanese demonstrated in front of the Sudanese Embassy and the White House on Tuesday on the occasion of the African-American Summit.

They handed a letter to the heads of 48 African Nations, the White House and the US Congress regarding their stance toward the Government of President Al Bashir.

The memorandum demanded the need to arrest President Al Bashir, take him to court, stop the genocide in the conflict areas, and allow delivery of humanitarian assistance to the displaced in the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur. The memorandum also urged the US Administration not to deal with the Sudanese Regime.

A participant in the demonstration, Majid Kabashi, who is an activist on issues surrounding the Nuba Mountains and Sudan, told Radio Dabanga that the demonstration involved a number of activists, the Sudanese Association of Nuba Mountains in America, the Association of Darfuris, the opposition alliance, the people of the marginalised areas, and the friends of Sudan.

Omar Abdel Sawi, an activist from Blue Nile on margin issues told Radio Dabanga that many members of the Sudanese community in the USA participated in the demonstration. In their memorandum, they demanded that the African leaders and the US administration stop the war, realise a comprehensive peace, and put an end to the violations by the Janjaweed militias.

He added the main objective of the demonstration was to send a message to the participant African leaders and the US administration.

Hawa Jongo, an activist in displaced and Darfur issues demanded from the African leaders and the US administration to act to stop abuses against women. She reported to Radio Dabanga that the memorandum held the African leaders and the US administration responsible for the abuses against the Sudanese, that Al Bashir be handed over to the ICC, aerial bombardment in the conflict zones must stop, and delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy must be allowed.

File photo: The White House in Washington DC

