Assault, rape, robberies in South Darfur, South Kordofan

Militiamen assaulted ten young women in Gireida locality, South Darfur on Wednesday. They beat and whipped them severely, and gang-raped one of them. On Tuesday, gunmen in military uniforms ambushed a commercial vehicle in Tawila locality, North Darfur. On the same day, bus passengers were robbed of all their belongings in Abu Jubaiha locality, South Kordofan.
A relative of the rape victim told Dabanga that the women were attacked by a group of gunmen on Wednesday afternoon while they were collecting firewood at Um Bitein, 3 km south of Gireida town.

Militiamen assaulted ten young women in Gireida locality, South Darfur on Wednesday. They beat and whipped them severely, and gang-raped one of them. On Tuesday, gunmen in military uniforms ambushed a commercial vehicle in Tawila locality, North Darfur. On the same day, bus passengers were robbed of all their belongings in Abu Jubaiha locality, South Kordofan.

A relative of the rape victim told Dabanga that the women were attacked by a group of gunmen on Wednesday afternoon while they were collecting firewood at Um Bitein, 3 km south of Gireida town.

He said that apart from the raped woman, seven victims sustained serious injuries. He mentioned the names of six of them: Aisha Abdelrahman, Fatima Ishag, Aisha Abakar, Khadija Mousa Eisa, Munira Babikir, and Salma Mohamed.


On Tuesday, militiamen robbed a commercial vehicle on its way from El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, to Shangil Tobaya.

One of the victims told Dabanga that at about 3 pm on Tuesday, a group of seven gunmen in military uniforms, riding on camels, halted a commercial Nissan vehicle in the area of Tangara area at gunpoint.

“They forced the driver and the passengers to disembark, and beat and whipped them, before they stole our money, mobile phones, luggage, and the goods the Nissan was transporting.”

In South Kordofan, the passengers of a bus heading towards Khartoum were subjected to an armed robbery on the same day.

An eyewitness told Dabanga from Khor Terangis, at the border between Abu Jubaiha and Rashad locality, that the robbers beat the passengers and robbed them of all their belongings.

He appealed to the South Kordofan state authorities to secure the road.

