Unamid to cut 770 posts in Darfur

Unamid continues to realign its resources and staffing to “best serve the achievement of the Mission’s revised strategic priorities”, the peacekeeping force stated in an Information note on Saturday. 770 positions are to be abolished.
“Following the strategic review of Unamid operations undertaken in 2014, and as endorsed by the African Union Peace and Security Council and the UN Security Council”, Unamid embarked on its “streamlining process”.

Unamid continues to realign its resources and staffing to “best serve the achievement of the Mission’s revised strategic priorities”, the peacekeeping force stated in an Information note on Saturday. 770 positions are to be abolished.

“Following the strategic review of Unamid operations undertaken in 2014, and as endorsed by the African Union Peace and Security Council and the UN Security Council”, Unamid embarked on its “streamlining process”.

According to the Information Note, a number of international and national staff, as well as UN volunteers’ posts are being abolished, in accordance with the recommendations of the review team and the budget of Unamid for 2014-2015. This was approved by the UN General Assembly, based on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) and Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly.

“By 31 March 2015, 791 posts will be abolished; including 214 international, 320 UN volunteers, and 257 national staff who will be separated from service. With the creation of 21 national posts to compensate for some of the abolished international posts, the total number of posts cut in real terms is 770.

“The Mission has determined through a transparent and inclusive process the individual staff members who will be affected, with participation from staff unions and independent adjudicators from UN Headquarters to ascertain fairness and integrity. Those who will be terminated shall receive their full entitlements in accordance with UN staff rules and regulations. 

At the same time, Unamid will continue to enhance the capacity-building of its national personnel to increase their employment prospects, through skills training and career advising. The Mission also arranged a job fair with potential employers, for the separating Unamid national staff.

