Man kidnapped in Kutum, North Darfur

A relative of the kidnapped man says the latter was abducted at gunpoint in downtown Kutum town. It remains unknown where the militiamen have taken him to.

Militiamen have kidnapped a citizen in Kutum, North Darfur, to an unknown destination on Thursday.

A relative of the kidnapped told Radio Dabanga that members of a pro-government militia in a Land Cruiser intercepted the way of the man in khor Juloud, in downtown Kutum. “They kidnapped him at gunpoint.”

The town witnessed many sorts of criminality in the past years owing to a complete lack of police to maintain the security. The police force was released from its duties when the state’s governor declared a State of Emergency in the region following waves of violence, and ordered all law enforcement services to withdraw.

Related articles:

'Unprecedented' crime with no police in North Darfur's Kutum (17 August 2104) 

