Displaced people in West Darfur beaten or kidnapped by militamen

Military intelligence elements search one of the camps for displaced people in Sirba locality for arms, and beat and detain one man for two days.

Militiamen in West Darfur conducted a number of assaults on Thursday. Military intelligence elements searched one of the camps for displaced people in the state, and detained one man.

A displaced man was beaten by members of the military intelligence service in Armankul camp in Sirba locality on Wednesday. He was detained immediately after.

A camp coordinator explained to Radio Dabanga that forces of the military intelligence searched Armankul camp from house to house for arms. The forces claimed that weapons had been lost from inside the military garrison in the region. They detained the displacedd Adam Kalak during the inspection. “He was tortured during detention, and released on Friday – two days later.”

In another incident, the coordinator explained that in an attack by militiamen, one man broke his hand and another lost his ear. The incident occurred on the Armankul-Tendelti road.

In Sese camp, east of El Geneina, Mohamed Abdallah Idris was kidnapped on Thursday and taken to an unknown destination by pro-government militiamen. One of his relatives reported this to the radio station.

Mohamed Abdallah Idris and his wife went out at 4pm to collect firewood east of the camp. Pro-government militia members beat both of them with rifle butts, and pointed their guns at them before taking Idris with them. His wife was left in the open while suffering from the injuries.

