South Darfur maternal mortality rate highest in Sudan

The maternal mortality rate in Sudan last year amounted to 216 deaths per 100,000 births. 334 deaths were recorded in South Darfur, the Sudanese Ministry of Health reported this week. In Blue Nile state, 105 maternal deaths were recorded.

The maternal mortality rate in Sudan last year amounted to 216 deaths per 100,000 births. 330 new born children out of 100,000 of newly born children, according to the Sudanese Ministry of Health Ministry.

Siham El Amin Habiballah, the director of the National Programme for Reproductive Health at the federal Ministry of Health said that the highest mortality rate in the country was registered in South Darfur, with 334 deaths, in 2014. In Blue Nile state, 105 maternal deaths were recorded.

She said that Sudan is still recording the highest rates of maternal mortality in the region, despite the efforts made to reduce the figures.

