Militiamen in Darfur assault women, threaten residents

In North Darfur, pro-government militia members assault three women on Tuesday. Militiamen threaten to burn down Mukjar town, if they are not paid.

In North Darfur, pro-government militia members assaulted and robbed three women on Tuesday. Militiamen have threatened to burn down a town in Central Darfur in case the residents do not pay them.

The women were severely beaten and whipped, causing them various injuries. They were on their way from Dali village in East Jebel Marra, to Shangil Tobaya, at Jurabel El Rai area, at the time of the attack.

One of the victims told Radio Dabanga that the gunmen robbed them of the money and properties in their possession, along with the three donkeys they were riding, and then left them in the open.

Militiamen threaten to pillage

Pro-government militiamen threatened to pillage and burn down Mukjar market in Central Darfur if the residents do not pay them SDG220,000 ($3,666) as a compensation for their camel’s death near a farm in the area. According to one of the residents, their demands were made on Tuesday.

One of the residents of the area told Radio Dabanga that about 200 pro-government militiamen, riding on camels, came to Mukjar and immediately threatened. The witness added that the sheikhs of the area intervened, negotiated with the militia and concluded that they will pay them the amount of SDG17,000 ($2,830). He added that the gunmen then left the market and returned to their settlements.

Residents of Mukjar do not experience threats by militants over the deaths of animals for the first time. On 21 May, herders forced people to pay $4,020 to compensate for two camels, after threatening to abduct the sheikhs in the area.

