UNHCR, Unicef reinforce refugee partnership in Sudan

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef) today signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) and a Joint Action Plan that further cement the partnership between the two agencies in response to the needs of refugees and host communities in Sudan.

In a joint press release today, both UN agencies state that they will ensure complementarity and mutually supportive actions to protect and assist particularly vulnerable populations, especially refugee children and women.

At the signing ceremony, Unicef’s representative in Sudan, Geert Cappelaere stated “This agreement provides an effective roadmap for efficient delivery of critical services to vulnerable groups, especially children who constitute some 70 percent of the refugee population in Sudan”.

According to the LoU, the cooperation will focus on the provision of aid to refugees and affected host communities, with special emphasis on education, child protection, nutrition, health, as well as water, sanitation, hygiene, and communication interventions.

The Joint Action Plan aims to further clarify roles and responsibilities, enhance operational effectiveness and optimize resources of both agencies to the benefit of refugees and host communities in the areas of coordination, strategic planning and assessments, contingency planning and preparedness, implementation, monitoring and reporting, resource mobilisation, advocacy and information sharing.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Children's Fund (Unicef) today signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) and a Joint Action Plan that further cement the partnership between the two agencies in response to the needs of refugees and host communities in Sudan.

In a joint press release today, both UN agencies state that they will ensure complementarity and mutually supportive actions to protect and assist particularly vulnerable populations, especially refugee children and women.

At the signing ceremony, Unicef’s representative in Sudan, Geert Cappelaere stated “This agreement provides an effective roadmap for efficient delivery of critical services to vulnerable groups, especially children who constitute some 70 percent of the refugee population in Sudan”.

According to the LoU, the cooperation will focus on the provision of aid to refugees and affected host communities, with special emphasis on education, child protection, nutrition, health, as well as water, sanitation, hygiene, and communication interventions.

The Joint Action Plan aims to further clarify roles and responsibilities, enhance operational effectiveness and optimize resources of both agencies to the benefit of refugees and host communities in the areas of coordination, strategic planning and assessments, contingency planning and preparedness, implementation, monitoring and reporting, resource mobilisation, advocacy and information sharing.

