Sudan offers condolences for Paris victims

Khartoum has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks that struck the French capital Paris on Friday, expressing its “full solidarity with France … to combat violence and fundamentalism”. The main Sudanese rebel movements also denounced the mass terror attack.
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted cafés, restaurants, a concert hall, and a sports stadium. According to media reports, as many as 129 people were killed and 350 were injured. The attackers reportedly used assault rifles and suicide vests.

Khartoum has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks that struck the French capital Paris on Friday, expressing its “full solidarity with France … to combat violence and fundamentalism”. The main Sudanese rebel movements also denounced the mass terror attack.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted cafés, restaurants, a concert hall, and a sports stadium. According to media reports, as many as 129 people were killed and 350 were injured. The attackers reportedly used assault rifles and suicide vests.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned in the strongest possible terms the “criminal bombing” in Paris.

As quoted by state-run Sudanese News Agency (Suna), the Sudanese government sent “its condolences to the government and people of France and the families and relatives of the victims”.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said that the attacks “go against all norms and all religions and against all human values,” blaming these acts on “traitorous hands now targeting innocent people and spreading blind destruction around the world.”

‘Hateful crimes’

Malik Agar, the chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) also condemned the attacks in Paris, calling them hateful crimes “against peace-loving people worldwide”.

“The SPLM-N stands with the people of France and pays condolences to the families and French people, you are not alone we are in the same trench with you against terrorism,” he said.

The Darfuri Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Movement faction, led by Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) condemned the mass terror attack and expressed their condolences to the families of victims, the French people and government.

“The cult of terror belongs to itself only, and should not be associated with a creed or a race or a nation. They should not be tolerated or provided shelter under any pretext or excuse,” JEM leader Jibril Ibrahim stated.

Minawi called for a firm international response against the “killing of innocent people in the name of Islam”.

“We also warn that terrorism has become a network funded by some regimes, and we hope the world will take this fact seriously to face those regimes,” he added.

(Sources: Radio Tamazuj, Sudan Tribune)


