Sheikh, seven displaced kidnapped in North Darfur

A Kabkabiya notable was abducted from his farm on Wednesday. On Friday, seven residents of Tabit camp for the displaced were abducted.
The coordinator of the Kabkabiya camps for the displaced told Radio Dabanga that a group of militia members riding a Land Cruiser mounted with a Dushka raided the area of Korgo, 18 kilometres west of Kabkabiya, on Wednesday morning. “They seized Sheikh Mubarak Ali Abdelrasoul at his farm, and took him to unknown destination.”

A Kabkabiya notable was abducted from his farm on Wednesday. On Friday, seven residents of Tabit camp for the displaced were abducted.

The coordinator of the Kabkabiya camps for the displaced told Radio Dabanga that a group of militia members riding a Land Cruiser mounted with a Dushka raided the area of Korgo, 18 kilometres west of Kabkabiya, on Wednesday morning. “They seized Sheikh Mubarak Ali Abdelrasoul at his farm, and took him to unknown destination.”

On Friday, even residents of Tabit camp for the displaced in Tawila locality were abducted by a group of militiamen on camels.

Relatives of the abductees told Radio Dabanga that the incident took place near Jebel Koli, five kilometres north of the camp, where the victims were collecting firewood.

