Two abductees beaten in Golo, Jebel Marra

Two men were abducted from Golo, Central Darfur, and taken to a military garrison, where they were beaten, on Wednesday.

Two men were abducted from Golo, Central Darfur, and taken to a military garrison, where they were beaten, on Wednesday.

A relative of the abductees told Radio Dabanga that militiamen abducted Saleh Mousa Albatal and Abdelaziz Abdeljabbar Saleh from Kuzum area, south of Golo.

“They abused them in various ways for two days in a row,” the relative said.

“We have found Albatal lying on the side of the road near Guldo in a pool of blood. A gunshot wound was infected.” Abdelaziz was also injured.

They were taken in a poor condition to the hospital in Zalingei for treatment.

