‘No displaced returned to Kabkabiya’: North Darfur camp leader

The coordinator of camps for displaced people in Kabkabiya has denied reports that hundreds of displaced people have returned to their villages in Jebel Si. “There is still insecurity and militiamen roam there.”

The coordinator of camps for displaced people in Kabkabiya has denied reports that hundreds of displaced people have returned to their villages in Jebel Si. “There is still insecurity and militiamen roam there.”

Coordinator Adam Juma told Radio Dabanga that a statement by former rebel leader Sudan Jameel earlier this week is not correct. No displaced people have returned from Kabkabiya and Sortony camps to Jebel Si administrative unit or Kawra area, to their villages.

Sudan Jameel, leading a former rebel group that signed a peace deal with the Sudanese government, claimed that 400 displaced people from Kabkabiya and Sortony camps have returned home over the past two months. Jameel reported that they lack health and water services.

Juma denied this, for the reason that the areas are unsafe for people to return to because of the insecurity and militias that are stationed there.

