Opposition party calls on Sudan’s medics to strike

The Sudanese Communist Party has called on the country’s medical staff to strike and protest for the rights of workers in the medical sector.

The Sudanese Communist Party has called on the country's medical staff to strike and protest for the rights of workers in the medical sector.

The opposition party said that strike, sit-ins and protests are the medical employees' weapons to restore their work rights in Sudan. In a press statement, the party emphasised that the unions have failed to provide any achievements for the workers, because they “have been controlled by opportunists who have used them to their livelihoods and personal benefit”.

The Communist Party added that the workers' unions have become “detached” from the concerns of the grassroots.

“The health services sector is going through harsh conditions under the significant deterioration in the health and medical services, as a result of government policies that have stopped spending on health and free treatment.”

The party itself considers improving the conditions of services to medical staff, and raising of low wages as the most urgent demands.

Striking medical staff in El Fasher were dismissed and barred from the Health Ministry's premises, after they had been on strike since 28 July in protest against the deterioration of medical services and their difficult financial circumstances.

Two weeks ago, the head of the Medical Professions Union stated that more than 90 per cent of Sudanese doctors and health workers have suffered from attacks by police and security agents. 


