Deadly village raid sparks protest in South Darfur

(UPDATE 20:00)A large protest erupted in Gireida, South Darfur, yesterday, against the deadly raid by militants in several villages on Wednesday. The security service has detained eight demonstrators accused of organising the protest.

(UPDATE 20:00) A large protest erupted in Gireida, South Darfur, yesterday, against the deadly raid by militants in several villages on Wednesday. The security service has detained eight demonstrators accused of organising the protest.

The protest on Thursday saw residents of Gireida taking to the streets while shouting slogans that denounced the killings, arson and theft against people in several villages of Joghana administrative unit. Police and security forces intervened by shooting live ammunition, tear as and using batons to disperse the demonstrators.

“A joint force of security agents and police chased demonstrators until their homes,” a demonstrator told Radio Dabanga from the town. “They caused them varying injuries and detained several of us.”

Speaking to this station today, a source reported that the security service “launched a manhunt” in the neighbourhoods and camps for displaced people, in search of wanted individuals who allegedly organised the protest in Gireida.

He confirmed that eight people have been detained for their participation in the demonstration. He claimed that the detainees are subjected to beatings at the hands of members of the security service.

The source said that four of them have been brought to a detention centre in Nyala today. School teachers Mohamed Mousa Daoud and Bahreldin Adam El Tom are among them, as well as Shamseldin Mohamed Haran and Sabir Abdallah Ahmed. The four others are still in detention in Gireida.

Conflicting death toll

There have been conflicting reports about the number of dead and wounded in Joghana. Reportedly four villages were torched.

A witness told this station that the number of dead and wounded are “at least seven”. A number of people has gone missing and dozens of livestock were stolen.

State Legislative Council Member, Omar Mohamed Ibrahim, released a statement saying that seven people were killed, three others were wounded, and about ten villages have been burnt.

A witness claimed that among the dead are Mohamed Abakar and Mohamed Ajoja, and Adil Abakar and Salah Adam have been wounded.

According to council member Ibrahim, the militant herders who carried out the attack drove Land Cruisers and others rode camels and horses. They attacked and burned villages include Dendora, Matiya, Haraza, Dahab Sharro, Mayol, Kafla, and Rowena.

The raids have caused damage to farmlands too. Mohamed Ibrahim reported that dozens of people have fled to Gireida camps.

