Man shot dead in South Darfur armed robbery

A man was killed and another wounded in an armed robbery in Kass in South Darfur on Saturday. A number of people were stripped of their belongings in North Darfur’s Tawila.
Abulgasim Abdelkarim was shot dead and Khalid Adam was wounded by three gunmen in Kass on Saturday evening.
An eyewitness told Radio Dabanga that the attackers intercepted the two men when they were returning home, and told them to hand over their money and mobile telephones.
“When they refused, the gunmen immediately shot at them. Abdelkarim was killed instantly. Adam was seriously injured and was transferred to Nyala for treatment,” he reported.

A man was killed and another wounded in an armed robbery in Kass in South Darfur on Saturday. A number of people were stripped of their belongings in North Darfur’s Tawila.

Abulgasim Abdelkarim was shot dead and Khalid Adam was wounded by three gunmen in Kass on Saturday evening.

An eyewitness told Radio Dabanga that the attackers intercepted the two men when they were returning home, and told them to hand over their money and mobile telephones.

“When they refused, the gunmen immediately shot at them. Abdelkarim was killed instantly. Adam was seriously injured and was transferred to Nyala for treatment,” he reported.


In North Darfur’s Tawila locality, passengers of a commercial vehicle were robbed on the road between Khazan Tunjur and the Zamzam camp for the displaced on Saturday.

“In the area of Jarangu, north of Tabit, armed men in a Land Cruiser mounted with a Dushka machinegun stopped our car,” a passenger explained to this station.

“They robbed us of our money, about SDG2,000 ($300), our mobile phones, and took the spare tire of the car as well.”

He said that the robbery was preceded by another one in the area on Friday afternoon.

“Militants in two vehicles mounted with Dushka machineguns intercepted a bus carrying residents of Zamzam camp for the displaced from Tawila to the camp after shopping,” he said.

A camp elder confirmed the attack, and said that the robbers took SDG8,000 in total from the passengers, their mobile phones, and the items they bought on the market.

