Children injured in North Darfur gunfire

Two children were seriously injured when armed militants opened fire on a group returnees people in the Katur area of Tawila locality on Monday.

Two children were seriously injured when armed militants opened fire on a group returnees in the Katur area of Tawila locality on Monday.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that armed elements in three Land Cruisers with machine guns and others on camels opened fire indiscriminately at a group of people who have returned to Katur area in the framework of voluntary repatriation.

They said that 12-year-old Saadia Hamid Eisa and seven-year-old Abdelhameed Abdelmajeed Adam were seriously injured. The attackers also stole 21 cows and five donkeys.

The attackers fled the area after the troops in Katur garrison intervened and opened dense fire in the air.

