Most fuel stations closed in Port Sudan, bakeries shut

The ongoing severe fuel and cooking gas shortage in Port Sudan resulted in most fuel stations in Port Sudan shutting down on Tuesday. Gas-fired bakeries have also stopped operating.

The ongoing severe fuel and cooking gas shortage in Port Sudan resulted in most fuel stations in Port Sudan shutting down on Tuesday. Gas-fired bakeries have also stopped operating.

Journalist Osman Hashim told Radio Dabanga that long queues of vehicles wait at the fuel stations all day long. Gas-fired bakeries have also stopped working because of the cooking gas crisis.

According to Hashim, the station agents attributed the crisis to the delay in the discharge of the fuel tankers in Port Sudan.

West Darfur

The residents of three villages in Jebel Moon in West Darfur have complained of a severe drinking water crisis.

One of the residents told Radio Dabanga that the villages of Manjoura, Jamal Arseif and Fareeda have no water engines or hand pumps.

He said they rely on underground wells whose water has dried up prompting them to travel long distances to fetch water from the surrounding areas.

He appealed to the authorities to establish water engines and provide hand pumps in their areas.

Prices surge

The Red Sea state in eastern Sudan is witnessing a surge in prices and an unprecedented rise in the prices of basic commodities.

A number of farmers from the Northern state have complained of the sudden and large increase in electricity tariffs for agricultural projects amounting to 1,000 per cent.

They have expected failure of the winter season of growing wheat, Egyptian beans and a number of cash crops

Some factory owners have threatened to stop working if electricity tariffs are increased

The secretary-general of the union of chambers of industry, Abbas Ali El Sayed, told a news conference that the price of a ton of iron will rise from SDG 15,000 to SDG 20,000 and an iron bar from SDG 100 to SDG 300.

Last week, petrol stations in Khartoum witnessed long queues for the third day in a row. On Tuesday and Wednesday, hundreds of people waited in vain for transport at bus stations in Omdurman, Khartoum North, and Khartoum.

A government source has attributed the scarcity of fuel to delays in shipments through Port Sudan.

NISS officers have warned the Sudanese media by telephone not to report about the scarcity of bread and fuel in the country.

