West Kordofan security agents detain number of villagers

Officers of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in West Kordofan launched a large-scale arrest campaign last week.
“Using the State of Emergency as an excuse, they detained groups of people from various villages,” the brother of one of the detained told Radio Dabanga.
Groups of NISS officers in vehicles raided Um Marahik, El Hoor, Fuja, Ed El Nil and other villages on Thursday.
“They stormed Um Marahik, seized El Fateh El Nil, Adam Mufarih and Ibrahim Sayed, and severely beat them before taking them to El Nahud,” he said.
Another source reported that Yousef Juma and Ebeido Mustafa were detained from the area of El Hoor.
Legal sources confirmed to this station from West Kordofan that more villagers were detained, but they could not give details about their names and where they are being held. They said that no charges have been filed against the detainees.

West Kordofan (UN OCHA maps)

Officers of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in West Kordofan launched a large-scale arrest campaign last week.

“Using the State of Emergency as an excuse, they detained groups of people from various villages,” the brother of one of the detained told Radio Dabanga.

Groups of NISS officers in vehicles raided Um Marahik, El Hoor, Fuja, Ed El Nil and other villages on Thursday.

“They stormed Um Marahik, seized El Fateh El Nil, Adam Mufarih and Ibrahim Sayed, and severely beat them before taking them to El Nahud,” he said.  

Another source reported that Yousef Juma and Ebeido Mustafa were detained from the area of El Hoor.

Legal sources confirmed to this station from West Kordofan that more villagers were detained, but they could not give details about their names and where they are being held. They said that no charges have been filed against the detainees.

