Sudan Call coalition affirms faith in ICC

The Sudan Call coalition of opposition parties and armed movements has confirmed its commitment to the statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a mechanism to support the people against the abuses of the ruling regime, at the end of its meeting in Paris on Sunday.

The leadership of the Sudan Call Coalition at their meeting in Paris chaired by El Sadig El Mahdi (centre)

The Sudan Call coalition of opposition parties and armed movements has confirmed its commitment to the statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a mechanism to support the people against the abuses of the ruling regime, at the end of its meeting in Paris on Sunday.

The meeting, under the chairmanship of National Umma Party leader El Sadig El Mahdi, confirmed “commitment to non-impunity and criminal justice at transitional political and social dimension” against the crimes of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Rome Statue

The Sudan Call appealed to all countries to activate the Rome Statute and abide by implement the decisions of the ICC on those indicted. This refers particularly to Sudan’s President Omar Al Bashir who is accused by the ICC of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed in Darfur. In 2009 and 2010 the ICC in The Hague issued two arrest warrants against Al Bashir.

Constitutional Amendment

The Sudan Call forces also renewed full rejection of the constitutional amendment to re-elect Omar Al Bashir, adopted a plan to resist the amendment of the constitution by working together with the opposition through embarking on a public and legal campaign, contacting international organisations, countries and parliaments, benefiting from the successful campaign that forced Joseph Kabila to abandon the constitutional amendment in Congo and continuing the struggle to rescue our people from the Salvation Regime.

They stressed in a statement "adherence to the call for salvation of uniting the opposition work to resist the budget of starvation, organising and mobilising all successfully proven forms such as demonstrations, sit-ins, political strike, civil disobedience and mobilisation of the mass movement to address the economic collapse that reached the extent that the banks of the regime refusing to enable citizens to withdraw the money they have saved in the banks in violation of all local and international laws and customs, proving the collapse of the financial system and the bankruptcy of the regime."

