North Darfur rape attempt: One dead as RSF fire on angry residents

A man has died of gunshot wounds in Muzbad in North Darfur on Friday after members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia opened fire on angry civilians following an alleged rape attempt by one of the RSF troops.

An armoured column of paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in North Darfur (File photo)

A man has died of gunshot wounds in Muzbad in North Darfur on Friday after members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia opened fire on angry civilians following an alleged rape attempt by one of the RSF troops.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that a member of the RSF allegedly attempted to rape a girl on a farm near Muzabad. When residents intervened to assist the girl, the man fled to the RSF area headquarters.

Angry residents stormed the headquarters of the militia to demand that he be arrested and brought to justice. This prompted some RSF members to open fire and Bashir Mukhtar was hit.

Witnesses confirmed that the force commander ordered the arrest of the soldier accused of the attempted rape in an attempt to calm the situation.

Bashir was taken to Muzbad hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds.

According to reports that have not been unequivocally confirmed, Osama Mukhtar and Yasir Ali, two companions who took Bashir to hospital, were subsequently arrested from inside the hospital by militia members.

Central Darfur: displaced youth slain

Gunmen shot dead a 16-year-old displaced youth at in the area of Garsila in Wadi Saleh locality of Central Darfur on Saturday.

A sheikh told Radio Dabanga from Garsila camp that the killing of the youth occurred at 2 pm in an area between Amar and Darisa in Wadi Saleh locality. He called on Unamid to move and protect the displaced from the attacks.

