Sudan traders arrested for ‘smuggling’, football match cancelled
The authorities of El Damazin in Blue Nile state have arrested a number of traders under the Emergency Law on charges of smuggling goods. A football match has been cancelled ‘for security reasons’.

The authorities of El Damazin in Blue Nile state have arrested a number of traders under the Emergency Law on charges of smuggling goods. A football match has been cancelled ‘for security reasons’.
Lawyers told Radio Dabanga that authorities in the Blue Nile state have implemented the Emergency Law on smuggling and arrested a number of traders for smuggling goods, but have not yet brought them to trial.
On Wednesday morning, El Hilal Football Club cancelled its trip from Omdurman to Sennar, after the Security Committee of Sennar state cancelled the match between Abu Hashim and El Hilal for security reasons.
The match was scheduled for today, and coincides with the announced day of demonstrations throughout Sudan to demand the immediate step-down of Al Bashir and his regime from power.