Sudan’s authorities seize arms, explosives cache in Khartoum Bahri

A sizable cache of automatic weapons, ammunition, explosive packages, chemical materials, electronic devices, and maps of some Sudanese towns has been seized by authorities in a house at El Hajj Yousif neighbourhood in Khartoum Bahri (North).

Arms and explosives cache, allegedly belonging to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, seized in Khartoum Bahri (SUNA)

A sizable cache of automatic weapons, ammunition, explosive packages, chemical materials, electronic devices, and maps of some Sudanese towns has been seized by authorities in a house at El Hajj Yousif neighbourhood in Khartoum Bahri (North).

The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA reported on Thursday that a suspect has been arrested who confessed that the cache belongs to a terrorist cell of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. He said that the cells’ mission was to set-off explosives inside Sudan.

The suspect admitted that he received training in explosives installation, and was then sent to Sudan with the rest of the members of the cell, who all used forged Syrian passports.

According to SUNA, the suspect confessed to having been in Sudan for six months, during which the cell kept moving between various addresses in Khartoum state.

The senior public prosecutor of Al Hajj Yousif, Mutasim Abdallah Mhamood, gave orders for charges to be filed. On Thursday, accordingly, Prosecutor Mutasim Abdallah Mahmoud filed complaint under the articles on weapons, ammunition and combating terrorism against a member of the terrorist cell in El Haj Yousef, recording the defendant's statements as a judicial confession and issued arrest warrants against the rest of the cell.

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