Sudanese and Egyptian armies sign MoU for joint cooperation
Military talks between Sudan and Egypt concluded in Khartoum on Thursday with the signing of a Memorandum of Understading (MoU) for joint cooperation between the two countries.

Military talks between Sudan and Egypt concluded in Khartoum on Thursday with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for joint cooperation between the two countries.
Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Mohamed El Hussein and Egyptian Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Lt Gen Mohamed Hegazy, signed the MoU.
In a press release, El Hussein commended the remarkable development in relations between the two armies and thanked the Egyptian Armed Forces for their great support and cooperation.
His Egyptian counterpart asserted that relations between the countries are “deep”, indicating that the visit was a formal review of what had already been agreed upon.
Hegazy arrived at Khartoum airport on Thursday from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and resumed his trip immediately after signing the MoU.
Dam filling
The AU has been sponsoring the stalled Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) negotiations between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia since July last year.
Sudan and Egypt issued a joint statement on June 9 to express their concerns over unresolved issues regarding the GERD after a meeting between ministers of both countries.
It is important for Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt to reach an agreement on the issue of the GERD before Ethiopia starts the second filling in the current summer season, even if the agreement is transitional, the European Union envoy to Ethiopia and Sudan, Beka Havistan, stressed this week.