Sudan: Attention grows for anti-child marriage campaign
Women and children rights activists are campaigning against the marriage of underage girls, a widespread phenomenon in Sudan. The organisers...
Women and children rights activists are campaigning against the marriage of underage girls, a widespread phenomenon in Sudan. The organisers...
In Khartoum, a number of crimes occurred in residential areas on Saturday, including armed robberies on pharmacies. Several car robberies...
Residents of dozens of villages in Sudan's Northern State have continued their sit-in against the delay in the extension of...
Community leaders and people who have been displaced for years and live in the camps in Mukjar locality in Central...
Before the end of the current harvest, reports of serious food shortages in rebel-hold areas in the Nuba Mountains have...
A rise in malaria infections and cases of scorpion stings in Aroma locality in Kassala concerns residents who have reported...
Insecurity and the number of attacks have grown at the hands of militias in Kutum locality, following a heavily guarded...
The African Union and political parties have continued to praise President Al Bashir's decision to drop the death penalties or...
The Sudanese security service arrested and interrogated one of the leaders of the Popular Congress Party in Atbara in River...
Four people were killed in a car accident in West Darfur on Friday. A Land Cruiser, carrying 15 passengers from...
A club in Port Sudan, the capital of Red Sea state, is threatened with closure for organising protest activities against...
The special court in the East Darfur capital issued the death sentence against four of the accused for killing two...