Sudan: Water shortages in Khartoum, cooking gas scarce in Atbara
People in large parts of the Sudanese capital are suffering from a severe lack of drinking water. Atbara in northern...
People in large parts of the Sudanese capital are suffering from a severe lack of drinking water. Atbara in northern...
Doctors and pharmacists in Sudan have denounced the recent increase in the prices of medicines. According to pharmacists, the prices...
On Thursday, the police arrested 23 people in front of Kober Prison in Khartoum North. They demanded the release of...
Policemen reportedly assaulted activists and their families protesting fraud in the sale of cooking gas in Soba in Khartoum this...
On Wednesday, the Federal Ministry of Health reported 57 new coronavirus patients. Various states take extra measures to combat the...
Prices of medicines in the Sudanese pharmacies doubled after the National Council for Medicines and Toxins issued new pricing lists...
On Wednesday, the police in Gireida in South Darfur detained 12 young women and men after they protested the Zakat...
The African Union has affirmed its ongoing support for Sudan's efforts to achieve a sustainable comprehensive peace, development, security and...
The Sudanese government is to criminalise female genital mutilation (FGM). A special article will be added to the country’s criminal law....
The Sudanese government does not seek to continue the current United Nations peacekeeping mission in Sudan. It would prefer that...
Sudan’s Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 43 new cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) yesterday, nine of them in...
The Sudanese embassy in Cairo launched an electronic form to assess the number of Sudanese stranded in Egypt with the...