Herdsmen pillage, threaten voluntary return towns in Darfur
Armed herdsmen threatened to attack and burn down villages west of Kabkabiya town, North Darfur, on Thursday, if the residents...
Armed herdsmen threatened to attack and burn down villages west of Kabkabiya town, North Darfur, on Thursday, if the residents...
Pro-government militiamen attacked Hashaba in Katila locality, South Darfur, and wounded four displaced people on Friday. A witness said that...
Elements of a Sudanese paramilitary force abducted two shepherds in the area between Shangil Tobaya and Tabit in El Fasher...
A Zambian staff member with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), who was abducted in Nyala, South Darfur, on 6...
The Arab Coalition for Sudan (ACS) and the Arab Network for Media Crisis (ANMC) have condemned the attack against the...
An Antonov aircraft of the Sudanese Air Force dropped several bombs in East Jebel Marra and killed at least three...
A group of masked gunmen robbed nearly SDG 84,000 ($14,640) from Ed El Fursan hospital, the amount of the staff's...
The strike of the junior doctors in El Geneina hospital, West Darfur, entered its third day on Thursday. They are...
South Sudan’s SPLM-IO rebels may have received ammunition from Sudanese or outside groups during the civil war, according to evidence...
The commissioner of Gireida locality, South Darfur, has imposed fees on teachers, internally displaced people, and house owners, under the...
Darfur's soaring prices and deteriorating security situation are taking away the joy of the final Ramadan celebration of the internally...
The Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission on Monday presented a report to the parliament about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Adila...