Soldiers rape two women in East Jebel Marra, Darfur
Three members of the Sudan Armed Forces raped two young women in the area of Khazan Tunjur in East Jebel...
Three members of the Sudan Armed Forces raped two young women in the area of Khazan Tunjur in East Jebel...
A 15-year-old girl was gang-raped in Nierteti locality, Central Darfur, on Sunday. “Three militiamen attacked the girl while she was...
On Monday, two young displaced women were gang-raped in the area of Bala, north of Nierteti, in Central Darfur. On...
Militiamen gang-raped three women of Rwanda camp for the displaced in Tawila locality, North Darfur, today. “Seven Janjaweed on camels...
A woman from Kalma camp in Nyala locality, South Darfur, was gang-raped on Monday. “Three Janjaweed on camels attacked a...
A young woman of Hamidiya camp for the displaced in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur, was raped on Thursday. On Monday,...
Gunmen gang-raped two young women in South Darfur on Tuesday. “The women (22 and 17) were assaulted while they were...
Militiamen raped a school student in Sirba locality, West Darfur on Friday. On Sunday, three women, including a minor, were...
Journalist Faisal Mohamed Salih has been acquitted on Sunday by the Khartoum court of 'publishing lies'. He wrote a column...
Militiamen reportedly raped three displaced women, including a minor, in Mershing locality, South Darfur, on Saturday. On Sunday in Tabit,...
Gunmen killed a displaced man, and raped three women in Kabkabiya locality, North Darfur, on Sunday. “Mohamed Ismail Eisa was...