Demos, rallies, strikes across Sudan
On Wednesday, demonstrations, rallies, and strikes continued in Khartoum and elsewhere in Sudan to highlight various social and economic grievances....
On Wednesday, demonstrations, rallies, and strikes continued in Khartoum and elsewhere in Sudan to highlight various social and economic grievances....
On Wednesday, dozens of professors and staff at the University of El Fasher staged a protest in front of the...
The open sit-in of residents of Kalogi in South Kordofan has entered its second consecutive day in protest against the...
Rallies for justice and retribution were launched yesterday in Khartoum, to commemorate the June 3 massacre at the sit-in in...
The Field Work Committee of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) has expressed its concern for events in the...
A solidarity march for peaceful coexistence between the Beni Amer and Nuba tribes reached Port Sudan from Kassala on Sunday...
Acting Red Sea state Governor Maj Gen Hafiz El Taj issued an order on Friday, banning gatherings, encroachment on public...
The Former Judges’ Association is adhering to the appointment of Abdelgadir Ahmed as a head of the judiciary in Sudan,...
The second session of the trial of security officials accused of torturing teacher Ahmed El Kheir to death in Kassala...
The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), the spearhead of the Sudan uprising that began in December 2018 and culminated in the...
Thousands of miners in Haya locality in Red Sea state complain about high prices of bread and drinking water as...
On Wednesday, a ‘remarkable calm’ reportedly retuned to Port Sudan, capital of Red Sea state, following several days of violent...