Protest of nearly 6000 students at Omdurman Islamic University
Almost 6000 students from Omdurman Islamic University went on strike for the second consecutive day yesterday, demanding the registration of...
Almost 6000 students from Omdurman Islamic University went on strike for the second consecutive day yesterday, demanding the registration of...
Movement in Kabkabiya camp stopped yesterday due to the spreading of a large number of governmental forces in the city....
Tens of students from Gedarif University and civilians in Gedarif market went out for demonstrations yesterday, calling for an end...
Sudanese who escaped from Libya and reached the Salom gateway on the Libyan border say that around 70 Sudanese were...
One civilian was killed and three wounded in Kereinek on Friday by the police when tens of displaced people protested...
Several hundreds of people demonstrated on Friday in Al Mayo, a large suburb South of Khartoum that is populated with...
An angry crowd of unemployed graduates shouted slogans in front of the government ministries in El Fula, South Kordofan. The...
Also on Thursday students held protest demonstrations in Sudan. The police arrested students, but several were able to escape before...
Ten people from the Taisha tribe in the area of Tawila east of Gereida were killed yesterday after chasing a...
Commsioner Jamie Mohammed Siyah from Maliha district in North Darur revealed the food scarcity and water shortage problems facing the...
Students from Red Sea University in Port Sudan yesterday went out for demonstrations along with people from Kurmuk in Blue...
DOHA (22 Apr) - The chief peace negotiator for Darfur, Djibril Bassole, will leave his job to become again the...