Armed group raids Ban Jedid market
Witnesses suspect perpetrators are affiliated with the governmentThree displaced people were wounded in an attack by an armed group at...
Witnesses suspect perpetrators are affiliated with the governmentThree displaced people were wounded in an attack by an armed group at...
Farmers in Sirba in West Darfur warned of the failure of the agricultural season this year in the region due...
Ten still detained in El GeneinaA governmental group disarmed and arrested 45 members of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM)...
Witness says police did not move to helpThree people were killed and seven were injured in the city of Kutum...
Sudanese security forces detained prominent opposition leader Farouk Abu Issa on Thursday in Khartoum over allegations that he solicited funds...
Victims claim to have been attacked by NCP-affiliated students Dozens of students affiliated to the National Congress Party (NCP) assaulted...
Victims call on UNAMID to provide more protection to womenArmed men raped two displaced women in El Geneina, West Darfur...
Coordinators fear for Camp stabilityResidents from the Internally Displaced Persons Camps across Darfur strongly condemned the killing of three and...
SPLM-North-Chairman pleads for UN-intervention as 500 fled homes to escape bombings Dismissed Blue Nile governor and Sudanese People’s Liberation movement...
His brother asks for clear prosecutions or his immediate releaseThe prominent human rights activist Dr. Bushra Gamar went on a...
Citizens miss necessary infrastrures in health, education, water supplies and electricityThe Abu Karanka County (South Darfur) is currently lacking access...
Displaced camp residents say the move would lead to 'new himanitarian catatrophe'The displaced people in North Darfur camps rejected the...