Robbery on road from Kass to Tiringa
Traders were traveling to purchase millet from rural suppliersAn armed group on Monday robbed four merchants in Taringa in Kass...
Traders were traveling to purchase millet from rural suppliersAn armed group on Monday robbed four merchants in Taringa in Kass...
Residents are detained by militia, beaten and shaved of hair, according to camp leaderThe displaced people in camps in Seraf...
Forty gunmen on horses and camels pillage Um Harouf villageAn armed group on Sunday raided and robbed the village of...
Qatari mediator accompanies ex-rebel chief now heading Regional AuthorityThe first visit of Dr. Tijani Sese, the newly sworn-in head of the...
Educator had ‘no enemies’, according to teacher The headmaster of a primary school in Shagra village was shot to death...
Says there will be no more negotiations about Darfur with non-signatory factions The Sudanese government declared on Sunday that there...
Government-backed militia alleged to be behind the crime Three women refugees were allegedly raped by an armed group loyal to...
One of them, a watermelon trader, rushed to Khartoum hospital due to his critical state Two refugees from North Darfur’s...
SPLM-N says the militias are the ones who fought in Darfur A large number of Janjaweed militias have been directed...
Will tour across state capitals in Darfur in the coming week along with Qatari mediatorTijani Sese, head of the Liberation...
Says he will also announce ministers and commissioners of the body on SaturdayTijani Sese, the head of the Liberation and...
JEM also conveys congratulatory messages to the newly liberated Libya Refugees in Darfuri camps welcomed the killing of former Libyan...