‘Women need more representation’
Renowned women’s activist Safa Al Aqib tells Radio Dabanga that Darfur won’t flourish without uplifting women Safa Al Aqib, an...
Renowned women’s activist Safa Al Aqib tells Radio Dabanga that Darfur won’t flourish without uplifting women Safa Al Aqib, an...
He was killed by armed men after he attempted to rescue girls from being raped A refugee, Ahmed Saleh, was...
Demand payment of arrears from the past eight yearsHealth care workers in the state of South Darfur declared a comprehensive...
Says the workshop needs to move beyond the Doha document to ensure its participationSudan Liberation Army-Abdul Wahid (SLA-AW) refused on...
Refugees say they traced the perpetrators to a military camp in Jebel Al KabirAhmed Abdallah Yahya, omda (local leader) of...
Take him to an undisclosed location after assaulting him with rifle buttsA group of Abu Tira personnel allegedly beat up...
SLA-Abdul Wahid and JEM accuse government and its militias of orchestrating the attacksTwo armed opposition movements in Sudan condemned the...
Asks Sudanese authorities to bring perpetrators to justice as soon as possibleIbrahim Gambari, head of the African Union-United Nations Mission...
Perpetrators accused of being affiliated to the Sudanese governmentSix people were killed and five injured in Hashaba area of North...
They spent three years without facing charge or trialTwo local leaders (omdas) were released from El Fasher's Shala prison on...
Nurses, assistants and janitors demand arrears from eight yearsNurses, assistant pharmacists and janitors at the Nyala teaching hospital in South...
Various parties ask end of war in Blue Nile and resumption of inclusive dialogueVarious opposition political parties in Sudan's Blue...