UNAMID Patrol attacked in West Darfur
UNAMID formed police unit patrol (FPU) from Togo was attacked by unidentified gunmen on 20 April just before noon while...
UNAMID formed police unit patrol (FPU) from Togo was attacked by unidentified gunmen on 20 April just before noon while...
The South Sudanese army announced its withdrawal from Heglig on instruction by president Kiir to allow for a political solution...
Sadig Musa and Idris Adam arrested by security authorities in Central Darfur on April 11 have died as a result...
The Sudanese Writers' Union has strongly condemned security authorities from censoring journalists by stopping them publishing topics they disagree with,...
Heavy rain last Monday in eastern Chad has severely damaged shelters in Milih camp for Sudanese refugees. A camp leader...
The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi announced on Wednesday it has taken control of four new areas, a...
The government said it expelled the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi from Um Dafouk, El Dembaloya, Geraidiya, Sesaban...
On Wednesday four women were raped by armed men in Dereig camp in South Darfur. One of the victims told...
The Justice and Equality Movement has said it seized two oil sites South Kordofan while fighting with South Sudan continues...
On Tuesday a Sudanese fighter jet reportedly dropped five bombs in Mukjar locality, in Central Darfur state. Villagers told Radio...
The Justice and Equality Movement has denied accusations by the deputy governor of South Darfur that it attacked citizens in...
Intensive heat during the summer season is increasing the suffering of displaced people in Zam Zam camp. Witnesses said many...