Thousands protest in South Darfur after killing of four civilians in ‘militia attack’
Four displaced people were killed and nine others were seriously injured when “pro-government militiamen” allegedly opened fire on residents of...
Four displaced people were killed and nine others were seriously injured when “pro-government militiamen” allegedly opened fire on residents of...
Three women have been killed and another three injured in reported aerial bombardments of Bir Abu Yassin, East Jebel Marra...
Politically and militarily, the current context in Sudan is not conducive to the disarmament and demobilisation of former combatants, according...
Renewed violent clashes between Abbala and Beni Hussein tribes in North Darfur have reportedly left at least 37 Beni Hussein...
Members of the Security Services have arrested four displaced persons before plundering and torching seven houses in the Al Omada...
The leaders of the Misseriya and Salamat tribes are having difficulty reaching an agreement at the reconciliation conference now into...
A group of 13 displaced people have been assaulted by 16 ‘pro-government militiamen’ as they tended their farms in the...
Khartoum’s decision to halt the flow of South Sudan’s oil through its pipeline infrastructure has prompted the USA to suspend...
The sheikh of Umm Haleeb camp for the displaced in Girayda locality, South Darfur, has died while pursuing armed militiamen...
The government of Central Darfur state has announced postponement of the opening of the academic year for secondary schools, which...
A group of ten displaced women have been beaten and whipped by “armed pro-government militiamen” as they tended their farms...
A high-level delegation of native administrators under the leadership of Sultan Saad Bahraldeen of Dar Massalit has arrived in Zalingei,...