Sudan’s Demobilisation Commission accused of fraud
Former combatants of the Eastern Front have accused the Sudanese Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (DRC) of misusing funds and manipulating...
Former combatants of the Eastern Front have accused the Sudanese Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (DRC) of misusing funds and manipulating...
The Sudanese Chief Justice, Ahmed Haydar Dafallah, has ordered the establishment of a special criminal court in the petrol rich...
The hygiene standards at abattoirs in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, have been lacking for more than ten years....
Six women, including a girl, have been raped in three separate events in the vicinity of Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur....
A Sudanese aircraft dropped three barrel bombs near Golo in Jebel Marra, killing one baby and seriously wounding its mother,...
The Governor of Central Darfur, Shartai Jaafar Abdelhakim, announced that the recent tensions between the Abbala and Salamat tribes in...
The Sudanese Foreign Ministry claimed that armed rebel groups from Darfur have attacked the Libyan town Kufra and accused unnamed...
Two displaced men were shot dead on board of a vehicle in Tawila locality, North Darfur State, on Wednesday. A...
Five parties in eastern Sudan's Red Sea State have joined hands and formed a committee to monitor crimes of human...
The problems with bread in Sudan, caused by a severe shortage, continue as prices for cooking gas are on the...
On Wednesday, Samantha Power, ambassador of US Mission to the UN urges the Council to make public its report on the role of...
Four gunmen raped two displaced girls in Gireida locality in South Darfur on Wednesday afternoon. A resident of the Donki...