Zalingei leaders protest changes in relief distribution

The displaced people in Zalingei camps demanded a meeting with all organizations involved in providing relief in Zalingei to discuss the plans to transfer responsibility for relief distribution to traders.

The displaced people in Zalingei camps demanded a meeting with all organizations involved in providing relief in Zalingei to discuss the plans to transfer responsibility for relief distribution to traders. A sheikh from camp Hassahissa told Radio Dabanga that they renewed their refusal to turn the relief materials to traders. They stated their position in a meeting with the World Food Program in Hassahissa on Monday.  He added that they called for a major meeting with all the organizations to discuss the matter.

In another development, 30 families that fled from the east of Jebel Marra to Hassahissa, due to the air raids, suffer from lack of food and shelter. A sheikh from camp Hassahissa told Radio Dabanga that the displaced are going through difficult humanitarian conditions and appealed to organizations to expedite the relief of newly displaced people.

