Zalingei and Zam Zam IDP camps reject Doha agreement

The internally displaced persons camps (IDP) in Zalingei, West Darfur, have rejected the proposal by the head of the joint UN/AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Ibrahim Gambari to support the Doha agreement for peace in Darfur. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the camp coordinator said the agreement fails to meet the aspirations and concerns of displaced people. Residents think the newly proposed special court and prosecutor for crimes in Darfur, as well as the new division of states is a burden to the peace process. In a meeting with Gambari yesterday camp residents were asked if they would like to return to their villages. They refused, citing the continued occupations of their villages by armed militants. They demanded the perpetrators of crimes in Darfur be delivered to the International Criminal Court, as they do not trust in Sudan’s judicial system. At the end of the meeting camp residents handed a note to Gambari with a list of demands such as strengthening UNAMID and protecting displaced people from attacks in Zalingei camps. Zam Zam IDPs say agreement not complete Residents of Zam Zam internally displaced camp in North Darfur were also invited to a workshop on Saturday with UNAMID, to discuss the outcomes of the Doha agreement. Many complained the agreement was not complete, and said displaced residents will only return to their villages if security is established, the militia are disarmed and expelled from villages and perpetrators of crimes committed in Darfur are fully brought to justice. They also demanded the delivery of basic services as well as compensation. They said the agreement does not specify the rate of participation of women in the peace process, or the fact that national universities are not allocating the quota of 15 percent of seats to Darfuri students. At the end of the workshop Zam Zam residents criticized Tijani Sissi, chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority for not involving displaced people in all levels of the decision making process of the Doha agreement. If policy makers expect support, displaced camp residents say they should be fully consulted at the national and regional levels.

The internally displaced persons camps (IDP) in Zalingei, West Darfur, have rejected the proposal by the head of the joint UN/AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Ibrahim Gambari to support the Doha agreement for peace in Darfur.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the camp coordinator said the agreement fails to meet the aspirations and concerns of displaced people.

Residents think the newly proposed special court and prosecutor for crimes in Darfur, as well as the new division of states is a burden to the peace process.

In a meeting with Gambari yesterday camp residents were asked if they would like to return to their villages.

They refused, citing the continued occupations of their villages by armed militants.

They demanded the perpetrators of crimes in Darfur be delivered to the International Criminal Court, as they do not trust in Sudan’s judicial system.

At the end of the meeting camp residents handed a note to Gambari with a list of demands such as strengthening UNAMID and protecting displaced people from attacks in Zalingei camps.

Zam Zam IDPs say agreement not complete

 Residents of Zam Zam internally displaced camp in North Darfur were also invited to a workshop on Saturday with UNAMID, to discuss the outcomes of the Doha agreement.

Many complained the agreement was not complete, and said displaced residents will only return to their villages if security is established, the militia are disarmed and expelled from villages and perpetrators of crimes committed in Darfur are fully brought to justice.

They also demanded the delivery of basic services as well as compensation.

They said the agreement does not specify the rate of participation of women in the peace process, or the fact that national universities are not allocating the quota of 15 percent of seats to Darfuri students.

At the end of the workshop Zam Zam residents criticized Tijani Sissi, chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority for not involving displaced people in all levels of the decision making process of the Doha agreement.

If policy makers expect support, displaced camp residents say they should be fully consulted at the national and regional levels.

The internally displaced persons camps (IDP) in Zalingei, West Darfur, have rejected the proposal by the head of the joint UN/AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Ibrahim Gambari to support the Doha agreement for peace in Darfur.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the camp coordinator said the agreement fails to meet the aspirations and concerns of displaced people.

Residents think the newly proposed special court and prosecutor for crimes in Darfur, as well as the new division of states is a burden to the peace process.

In a meeting with Gambari yesterday camp residents were asked if they would like to return to their villages.

They refused, citing the continued occupations of their villages by armed militants.

They demanded the perpetrators of crimes in Darfur be delivered to the International Criminal Court, as they do not trust in Sudan’s judicial system.

At the end of the meeting camp residents handed a note to Gambari with a list of demands such as strengthening UNAMID and protecting displaced people from attacks in Zalingei camps.

Zam Zam IDPs say agreement not complete

 Residents of Zam Zam internally displaced camp in North Darfur were also invited to a workshop on Saturday with UNAMID, to discuss the outcomes of the Doha agreement.

Many complained the agreement was not complete, and said displaced residents will only return to their villages if security is established, the militia are disarmed and expelled from villages and perpetrators of crimes committed in Darfur are fully brought to justice.

They also demanded the delivery of basic services as well as compensation.

They said the agreement does not specify the rate of participation of women in the peace process, or the fact that national universities are not allocating the quota of 15 percent of seats to Darfuri students.

At the end of the workshop Zam Zam residents criticized Tijani Sissi, chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority for not involving displaced people in all levels of the decision making process of the Doha agreement.

If policy makers expect support, displaced camp residents say they should be fully consulted at the national and regional levels.



